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Stop Asian Hate

Help Nicanor and Julienne Arriola Recover From Hate Crime

$2,873 raised

$10,000 goal

/ 150


Help an elderly Filipino couple recover from a racist attack

On February 1, Nicanor and Julienne Arriola were brutally attacked in front of the California State Capitol by a man who then fled in a getaway car driven by an accomplice. Because of their severe wounds, including Nicanor’s six broken ribs and Julienne’s injured knees, neither of the married couple has been able to earn an income as caregivers ever since (as of this writing on March 16).

Some members of NAFCON personally know Nicanor, who is also a photojournalist who has been diligently covering the ongoing case of the Roque family, survivors of a high profile racist attack and whom NAFCON organizations have closely supported. We are shocked to learn that Nicanor, who has been a big support to the the Roque family, became a victim himself.

Nicanor and Julienne are not only healing from physical wounds but are recovering from severe trauma. They are dreading the arrival of medical bills, which they will need community support with as their injuries have prevented them from working.

We turn to the community for help and solidarity with Nicanor and Julienne.

This fundraiser is being hosted by National Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON) member organizations, LA Kalusugan Collective (LAKAS) and the Filipino Migrant Center.